How To Cancel Your Shopify Free Trial (Steps Given)

Shopify offers a free trial period for new users to explore the platform before committing to a paid plan. However, if you decide Shopify isn’t the right fit for your business, you’ll need to know how to cancel your trial before it ends. 

This guide will walk you through the cancellation process and provide tips to make the most of your trial period.

Why You Might Want To Cancel Your Shopify Free Trial?

There are several reasons why you might choose to cancel your Shopify free trial:

  • The platform doesn’t meet your specific business needs
  • You found a better alternative for your online store
  • You’re not ready to launch an e-commerce business yet
  • The Shopify pricing plans don’t fit your budget

Steps To Cancel Your Shopify Free Trial

Whatever your reason, canceling your trial is a straightforward process. Let’s go through it step-by-step.

Step 1. Start by logging into your Shopify admin panel using your email and password.

Start By Logging Into Your Shopify Admin Panel

Step 2. Once logged in, look for the “Settings” option in the bottom left corner of your dashboard. Click on it to access your account settings.

Look For The Settings Option

Step 3. In the Settings menu, find and click on the “Plan” option. This will take you to a page showing your current plan details.

Find And Click On The Plan Option

Step 4. You’ll see a “Cancel Trial” button. Click on it to start the cancellation process.

You'll See A Cancel Trial Button

Step 5. A pop-up window will appear, showing you things you need to do before canceling. Review the instructions and then click “Continue”. 

Review The Instructions & Then Click Continue

Step 6. Shopify will ask why you’re canceling. Select a reason from the dropdown menu and add any additional comments if you wish. Then, click Continue. 

Select A Reason From The Dropdown Menu

Step 7. Enter your password to confirm the cancellation. Then click “Deactivate Store” to finalize the process.

Enter Your Password To Confirm The Cancellation

After completing these steps, you’ll receive an email confirming that your store has been deactivated and your trial canceled.

Important Things To Do Before Canceling Shopify Free Trial

Before you hit that final “Deactivate now” button, there are a few important tasks to take care of:

1. Back-Up Your Store Data

Even if you’re not continuing with Shopify, the work you’ve done might be valuable later. Export your store data as CSV files. Go to Settings > Export and download CSVs for products, customers, and orders.

2. Remove Payment Information

Double-check that you’ve deleted any credit card or payment details from your account. This prevents accidental charges if you forget to cancel fully. Go to Settings > Payments and remove any saved payment methods.

3. Cancel Third-Party App Subscriptions

If you installed any paid apps during your trial, cancel those subscriptions separately. Some may continue billing even after canceling Shopify.

4. Transfer Custom Domains

If you bought a domain through Shopify, consider transferring it to another registrar before canceling. This lets you keep the domain for future use.

5. Save Your Login Credentials

You might want to revisit your store later, so securely save your Shopify login email and password, just in case.

What Happens After You Cancel?

Once you cancel your Shopify free trial:

  • Your store becomes inaccessible to you and your customers
  • You can’t process orders or make changes
  • Shopify keeps your store data for 2 years
  • You can reactivate within that 2-year period by choosing a paid plan
  • After 2 years, Shopify permanently deletes all your data

Making The Most Of Your Shopify Free Trial

If you’re still in your $1 trial period and unsure about canceling, here are some tips to get the most value:

  • Set Clear Goals

Before starting, outline what you want to accomplish during the trial. This helps you stay focused and evaluate if Shopify meets your needs.

  • Explore All Key Features

Don’t stick to just the basics. Test out more advanced features like discount codes, abandoned cart recovery, and analytics to see Shopify’s full capabilities.

  • Try the Mobile App

A lot of store management happens on the go. Download the Shopify mobile app to see how it fits your workflow.

  • Test Customer Support

Submit a support ticket or use live chat to gauge response times and helpfulness. Good support is crucial for your business.

  • Customize Your Theme

Spend time personalizing a theme to match your brand. This gives you a realistic preview of your potential store.

  • Add Real Products

Don’t just use placeholder data. Add some of your actual products to see how they look and function in the store.

  • Simulate the Customer Experience

Go through the entire buying process as a customer would. This helps identify any friction points.

  • Evaluate App Integrations

If there are specific tools you need, check if they integrate well with Shopify during the trial.

Conclusion: Cancel Your Shopify Free Trial Within A Few Simple Steps

Canceling your Shopify free trial is a simple process, but it’s important to think it through. Remember, you can always come back to Shopify later if you change your mind. The most important thing is choosing the right platform for your business needs and goals.

By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to cancel your Shopify free trial if needed or make an informed decision to continue with a paid plan. Whatever you choose, take the time to export your data and tie up loose ends to ensure a smooth transition, whether you’re moving to another platform or putting your eCommerce dreams on hold for now.


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